
Hey, I'm Collin!

Collin Garvey's face

I live in sunny, humid, and hurricane-y Orlando, FL working on cool web things for big and small companies who enjoy cool things.

I specialize in front-end web development, with a preference for these tools:

Below I've created a circle packing chart to give you a nice idea of my relative confidence in getting work done across a broad set of technologies. I've picked up a lot over my 12+ years of experience, so this isn't an exhaustive list, but I tried to hit the most important ones to me.

Click on the different colored circles to zoom in and out of levels of specificity.

Each inner-most item is colored based on a ** Subjective Confidence Score™ ** from low condifence (😬) to high confidence (🤩).

Low confidence scores do not represent an unwillingness to learn!


Learning Roadmap

Learning something new is just another way to have fun. I try to practice or try something new at least a few times a week, if not every day.

Here's a list of things I'm learning about currently:

I'm a big proponent of spending money to accelerate learning, if one is able to do so. After all, time is our most valuable resource.

Here are some services I've used to help me stay sharp:

Looking for help?

I'm currently open to full time and freelance opportunities.

Send me an e-mail or find me on social!